Two years ago, Chai graduated from Tianjin College of University of Science and Technology Beijing. 两年前,柴会龙从北京科技大学天津学院毕业。
A study on the relationship between coping style and the mental health of junior college students of science and technology school 理工中专生应对方式与心理健康的关系研究
A Practical Study of the Basketball Referees of Students in Professional College& Taking Hunan Vocational College Of Science And Technology as an example 高职院校培养学生篮球裁判员的实践&以湖南科技职业学院为例
Special Education of "Special Students"& The Exploration Discovery and Practice on the Entrance Education in College of Science and Technology 特殊学生的特别教育&河北科技大学理工学院新生入学教育的探索与实践
Research on Undergraduate Informal Groups Management in Liaoning College of Science and Technology 辽宁科技学院大学生非正式组织管理研究
College of Material Science and Technology 材料科学与技术学院
Mapping of New Technologies in The Engineering Survey And Research College of Material Science and Technology 测绘新技术在工程测量中的应用与研究
This is the website of College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University. 这是中国农业大学动物科技学院的网站。
Defects and Countermeasures in Teaching of Pedagogy in Teachers College; Some Disadvantages of Science and Technology Statistics Work and the Suggestion 师范院校教育学教学中的不足及对策科技统计工作存在的不足及对策建议
This is a college of science and technology, the student of which are trained to be engineers or scientists. 这是一所科技大学,该校学生将被培养成工程师或科学工作者。
College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agriculture University, Lanzhou, Gansu; 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院,甘肃兰州;
Practice and Reflection on Public Bidding for Book Purchase& An experience from book purchase public bidding of the library of Zhejiang Tongji College of Science and Technology 图书采购招标的实践与思考&浙江同济科技职业学院图书采购招标体验
College Of Geoexploration Science And Technology Jilin University 吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院
The study is carried out to present a checklist of criteria for materials selection which will equip teachers to do their own selection of ESP materials for college students of science and technology. 本文的目的是为专业英语教师提供一系列教材选择标准,以帮助他们为大学理工科学生选择出最合适的教材。
Role and Functions of College Campuses of Science and Technology in Reviving Jilin Provincial Old Industrial Base 大学科技园在振兴吉林老工业基地中的角色和作用
Establish the Integrative Practical Teaching System and Improve the Quality of the Talents& Reforms for the Practical Teaching in College of Animal Science and Technology of Tarim University 构建完整实践教学体系全面提高人才培养质量&谈动物科技学院实践教学改革效果
On the basis of the analysis of network education and several kinds of astronomical websites, our practice in website design for university astronomical education, which is carried on at the College of Physical Science and Technology in Central China Normal University, is especially introduced. 在对网络教育和目前存在的几种天文网站进行分析的基础上,重点介绍了华中师范大学物理科学与技术学院针对大学公共天文教育所进行天文教育网站设计的实践探索。
This paper reports the College of Information Science and Technology's reform program for research and development in laboratory teaching of systems and control, and the implementation of the program. 本文介绍了信息科学技术学院系统与控制实验教学研究与建设的教学实验改革方案及其实施。
Based on studying some reasons that affect the college transformation of science and technology, this paper analyses principles for evaluating, and advances the evaluation index system of scientific and technological achievements transformation in the universities of shaanxi Province. Finally, it presents the evaluation methods. 在剖析制约陕西高校科技成果转化因素的基础上,分析了高校科技成果转化的评价原则,建立了陕西高校科技成果转化的评价指标体系,并提出了高校科技成果转化的评价方法。
METHODS: 800 female college students were selected from Sichuan College of Science and Technology in February 2006 by clustering sampling. 方法:于2006-02整群随机抽取四川理工学院800名女大学生为调查对象。
The Contradiction and Base of the Legal Sense for College Students of Science and Technology 理工科大学生的法律意识冲突及其基础
On Education of Humane Quality and Political Course for College Students of Science and Technology 理工科大学生人文素质与两课教育刍议
At the same time, the appearance of college industrialgarden of science and technology, variation of school management and socialization of student apartment have made campus open more. 同时,高校科技产业园、多样化办学以及社会化学生公寓的出现和发展也使得校园更加开放。
In addition, the thesis takes Huanghe College of Science and Technology as an example to structure the main framework through analyzing its development. 此外,选取黄河科技学院作为个案,从该学院的发展历程做一纵观分析,从而构架论文的主体结构。
This article introduces the design of student management system; the system can solve the practical management work of Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology. 系统着重解决的是实习管理工作中存在的校企脱离和难以实现实习工作过程性管理的问题,本文设计了实习管理系统,系统可以解决山东科技职业学院在实习管理方面的工作。
They were Business English majors from Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology. 他们都来自湖南科技职业学院的经贸英语专业。
At the same time to reduces the internship management cost of Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology. 同时降低了山东科技职业学院对实习工作的管理成本。
Timely deployed and trial the system at the Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology, Careful record the problems during the process of user trial, according to the views of users, timely adjustment system, enhance the system to ease used. 及时的将系统在山东科技职业学院进行部署,试用。认真记录系统用户试用系统的过程中发现的问题,根据用户的意见,及时的调整系统,增强了系统的易用性。
Taking the "Sunshine Project" training carried out by Hunan Vocational College of Science and Technology as the example, the thesis analyzes the relationship between rural labor force transfer and training and the operation mechanism of transfer training. 并以湖南科技职业学院开展的阳光工程培训项目为案例,剖析农村劳动力转移跟培训之间的关系以及农村劳动力转移培训的运作机制。